Artificial is an exploration of the world through the lens of a camera with the use of artificial light. did the world exist the way it would without the use of a photograph and does that photograph create its own reality. 
 By taking a photograph that photograph captures reality in which the way the camera sees. My camera’s memory only remembers the moments in which I photographed. 
As a photographer, I find myself with a camera most of the time. My camera becomes an interconnected extension of myself. 
Looking back at my life I have a photograph to inform me where I’ve been and things I’ve seen. This memory that exists only exists as a photograph. Which means it is not at all what it exists for me. 
Because a camera does not view life in the same linear fashion as I do. A photograph skips between moments of reality skipping moments in life. It exists in a reality of its own. 
To manipulate a photograph is to manipulate its reality. And with that is questions to follow. But for myself, I have become so interconnected with images that mimic the reality of us. I lose the moment of my life stolen by an idealized moment Rewriting my memory. An alternative reality.

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